5 Ways to Love Your Spouse Through Quality Time

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Continuing with our “Ways to Love Your Spouse” series, in this post we’re going to look at 5 ways to love your spouse through quality time. We think it’s pretty safe to say that no matter what your dominant love language is, quality time is most likely in the top three. Why? I believe it’s something that God instilled in every single one of us… the desire to spend time, commune, and fellowship with others – especially with our spouse.

5 Ways to Love Your Spouse Through Quality Time

The Quality Time Love Language Explained

In a nutshell, quality time involves giving someone your undivided attention. Oftentimes this can be confused with sitting and watching television together or just being next to one another while occupied with something else. Sadly, this has become the normal way of spending quality time; however, this is not a good practice.

Quality time is said to be one of the most powerful emotional communicators of love. Although it’s not a one love language that covers all – as no one language is – it’s important to know your spouse’s cues. Pay attention to the words they use when describing your marriage and things they’d like to do.

The overall goal of loving your spouse through quality time is to be intentional about togetherness and spending uninterrupted, distraction-free moments together. Here are some practical ways for doing just that.

5 Ways to Love your Spouse Through Quality Time

Intentionally make time for dates.

This can be weekly, bi-weekly, or even once a month. The idea is to carve out time for your spouse that is spent together and without distractions. This means opting out of activities that would divide your attention or take the attention off your spouse. Sitting together at a park, having a picnic in the backyard, or going for a walk together are great date ideas.

Give your spouse undivided attention.

It’s easy to get caught up in the multi-tasking lie. When you and/or your spouse are speaking to one another, stop what you’re doing and make eye contact. Be fully engaged in the conversation until the end. This will fuel quality time more than you may realize.

Work on a project together.

Projects often take a certain level of communication that can bring you and your spouse closer together. Whether you’re working on a DIY project or painting a room in your home, use this time to talk and get to know each other more. No matter how long you’ve been married, there’s always something new to learn about one another.

Tackle a house chore together.

Washing dishes and doing the laundry instantly come to mind because these things (1) get done quicker when more than one person is doing it, and (2) you can work closely together. Even if you opt-in for doing another kind of chore together, keep in mind that the point is to spend quality time with your spouse.

Avoid canceling or changing plans.

One of the worst things you can do to a spouse whose top love language is quality time is cancel (or change) plans. If they’ve been looking forward to getting alone time with you or doing something together, try your best to stick with what was planned.

Scriptures to Remember for Quality Time

Keep these few scriptures in mind as you pray about ways to spend quality time with your spouse:

Two are better than one because they have a good reward for their labor. (Ecclesiastes 4:9)

Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her. (Ephesians 5:25)

So teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom. (Psalm 90:12)

In conclusion, loving your spouse through quality time takes intentional effort. Use some of the examples above to get the ball rolling with loving your spouse in a way they want to be loved. In the meantime, let us know how you love your spouse through quality time in the comments below!

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